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      Committee Vote    Committee Vote (2nd committee)







                                 THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE






February 27, 2019






SB 267





By:                     Dahm of the Senate and Davis of the House



Title:                  Schools; directing school districts to have panic button alert systems, subject to availability of funds; providing guidelines for training. Effective date. Emergency.






Recommendation:         DO PASS AS AMENDED


Aye:                    Bice, Daniels, Dugger, Hall, Jech, Kidd, Montgomery, Pemberton, Pugh, Rosino, Scott, Shaw, Simpson, Stanislawski, Rader, Thompson


Nay:                    Brooks, Dossett, Floyd, Ikley-Freeman, Matthews


Constitutional Privilege:    







                                 THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE






February 19, 2019






SB 267





By:                     Dahm of the Senate



Title:                  Schools; directing school districts to have panic button alert systems, subject to availability of funds; providing guidelines for training. Effective date. Emergency.






Recommendation:         DO PASS and referred to second committee


Aye:                    Bullard, Dugger, Haste, Kidd, Pederson, Pemberton, Quinn, Scott, Shaw, Newhouse, Stanislawski


Nay:                    Dossett, Hicks, Ikley-Freeman


Constitutional Privilege:    




